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Quizlet 11 Introduction to Religion

Quizlet 11 Introduction to Religion

Q What does the term "Hinduism" refer to? What is its origin?

Q What term do Hindus use to refer to their religion? What does it mean?

Q In the Hindu view, what is the ultimate goal of human life? Explain two different Hindu ways of achieving this ultimate goal of human life.

Q Briefly but clearly explain each of the following Hindu terms:

Q Explain one key feature of each of the following varieties of Hinduism in America:

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Hinduism is the religion that is identified by followers who lived beyond the Indus river as identified by the Persians who identified it as Sindhu region which eventually became Hindu. Any person thus living in the Indian subcontinent and identifying with the deities followed by the religion and worshiping them are Hindus and the religion practiced is Hinduism.